Dr. Thomas Nguyen
Nguyen TT, Wu DT, Weinstein BF. Three- to 4-year follow-up of the reverse palatal pedicle graft for maxillary palatal recessions. Clin Ad Perio. 2024;1-7.
Nguyen TT. Periodontal phenotype modification for patients receiving orthodontic treatment. Oral Health. 2023;Nov:62-64.
Nguyent TT. Exploring the potential of AI in Dentistry. CDA Essentials. 2023; Issue 6:22-24.
Bishara M*, Wu DT*, Miron R, Nguyen TT, Sinada N, Gluckman H, Salama M. Partial extraction therapy (part 2): Complication management in full arch dental implant therapy. Int J Perio Res Dent. 2023; 40(5):570-577.
Do JH, Latimer J, Nguyen TT. Multiple subperiosteal sling sutures for connective tissue graft stabilization in treatment of multiple recession defects utilizing subperiosteal tunnels via VISTA and intramuscular Access. Int J Perio Res Dent. 2023;43:379-385.
Kwan JC, Dondani J, Iyer J, Muaddi HA, Nguyen TT, Tran SD. Biomimicry and 3D-Printing of Mussel Adhesive Proteins for Regeneration of the Periodontium—A Review. Biomimetics 2023; 8(78):1-15.
Wu DT*, Cho YW*, Spalti M, Nguyen TT. The Oral-Brain Axis: The link between periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Dent Review. 2023; 3(1):100062.
Kotsakis GA, Nguyen TT, Siormpas K, Pikos MA, Pohl S, Tarnow D, Root membrane Group, Mitsias M. Clinical outcomes of retention of the buccal root section combined with immediate implant placement: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Clin Imp Dent and Rel Res. 2023;25:23-34.
Wu DT, Raoof S, Latimer JM, Nguyen TT. Partial extraction therapy: a review of human clinical studies. J Oral Implantol. 2022;48(5):436-454.
Tsai YWC, Huang RY, Cheng CD, Cheng WC, Cochran DL, Nguyen TT, Shieh YS, Lin FG, Sung CE. Risk assessment of labial bone perforation in the anterior mandibular region: a virtual immediate implant placement study. Int J Implant Dent. 2021;7(68):1-11.
Nguyen TT, Larrivee N, Lee A, Bilaniuk O, Durand R. Use of artificial intelligence in dentistry: current clinical trends and research advances. J Can Dent Assoc 2021;87(l7):1-7.
Wu KY, Wu DT, Nguyen TT, Tran SD. COVID-19’s impact on private practice and academic dentistry in North America. Oral Diseases. 2021;27(3):684-687.
Wu DT, Wu KY, Nguyen TT, Tran SD. The impact of COVID-19 on dental education in North America – where do we go moving forward? Euro J Dent Edu. 2020;24:825-827.
Weinstein B, Pham C, Nguyen TT. The reverse palatal pedicle graft for maxillary molar palatal recessions: two case reports. Clin Ad Perio. 2020;10(3):145-149.
Nguyen VG, Flanagan D, Syrbu J, Nguyen TT. The socket shield technique used in conjunction with immediate implant placement in the anterior maxilla: a case series. Clin Adv Perio. 2020;10(2):64-68.
Kim DM, Bassir SH, Nguyen TT. Effect of gingival phenotype on the maintenance of periodontal health: an American academy of periodontology best evidence review. J Perio. 2019;91:311-338.
Seo YJ, Lilliu MA, Abughanam G, Nguyen TT, Liu Y, Lee JC, Presley JF, Zeitouni A, El-Hakim M, Tran SD. Cell culture of differentiated human salivary epithelial cells in a serum-free and scalable suspension system: the salivary functional units model. J Tissue Eng and Reg Med. 2019;13:1559-1570.
Nguyen TT, Wu KY, Leclerc M, Pham HM, Tran SD. Cardiovascular diseases and periodontal disease. Curr Oral Health Rep. 2018;5:13-18.
Nguyen TT, Mui B, Mehrabzadeh M, Chea Y, Chaudhry Z, Chaudhry K, Tran SD. Regeneration of tissues of the oral complex: current clinical trends and research advances. J Can Dent Assoc. 2013;78:c140.
Mui B, Nguyen TT, Tran SD. Postoperative bleeding following periodontal surgery. J Can Dent Assoc. 2012;78(5),295.
Nguyen TT, El-Hakim M, Arseneau R, Tran SD. L’ostéonécrose des maxillaires associée aux bisphosphonates, un article destiné au personnel en soins dentaires et à leurs patients. J Ord Dent Que. 2011;48,3:7-14.